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Mother and Baby Survive Rare Condition During Childbirth

Mother and Baby Survive Rare Condition During Childbirth

Cheryl Garcia’s daughter, Kloé, was born during surgery on October 16th after a very rare condition occurred. Doctors realized that the baby had slipped out of the uterus and into the abdomen, a circumstance that Dr. George Alkhouri had never heard happen before.

I keep dreaming about it every day. If I was one to two minutes late, I could’ve lost both of them.
-Dr. George Alkhouri

Dr. Alkhouri arrived at the Mercy Medical Center just in time to save the lives of Cheryl and Kloé. Had he arrived even a minute or two later, they may not have survived.

During the pregnancy, Kloé had been in a sideways position, which could have required a C-section.

Quickly after Garcia had received her anesthetic epidural, the doctors and nurses could no longer feel the baby. Garcia started to bleed and blacked out.

Cheryl was rushed to the operating room. The baby’s heartbeat was weak and Chery’s blood pressure had risen.

Alkhouri opened the abdomen and only saw blood. When he found Kloé, she had to be resuscitated because she had no oxygen due to a brain hemorrhage.

Alkhouri said that with this very rare condition, Cheryl and Kloé are lucky to be alive.

The uterus had ruptured and caused Kloé to slip out and into the abdomen. Once this happens to the uterus there is nothing you can do but remove it.

To Alkhouri, it wasn’t only a lost uterus, but a life-and-death situation.

Cheryl Garcia now has a new appreciation for life, knowing that hers and her daughters were so close to lost.

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