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Free Bus Rides All Of July!

Free Bus Rides All of July!

Golden Valley Health Centers (GVHC) believes everyone should have access to healthcare. GVHC offers a wide array of services to those in need, regardless of their ability to pay. However, barriers still exist that prevent patients from making it to their appointments.

Transportation plays a critical role in patients’ health. GVHC is excited to announce that Merced County Transit System is offering free fares to all bus riders throughout the summer – from July through September.

Stanislaus Regional Transit Authority (StanRTA) and Turlock Transit are also pleased to announce that all rides on all fixed-route and commuter buses will be free for passengers during July 2022.

With gas prices soaring and back to school around the corner, a free ride is a helpful resource for many patients. Please, take this opportunity to schedule your child’s wellness check, immunizations, and youth sports physical.

StanRTA Bus
Turlock Transit

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Free bus rides IG (520 × 230 px)
StanRTA Logo
Turlock Transit Logo
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Very friendly and helpful staff, Keep up the great patient care!
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