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Spring Cleaning For a Better You

Spring is finally here and that means it’s time for some spring cleaning! Time to wash down the outdoor furniture and clean out our closets and drawers. Did you know that decluttering and cleaning up your space at home can help eliminate stress?

The Psychological Effects of Clutter

Experts say that clutter has a psychological impact on us. Studies explain that, while we are genetically programmed to collect and accumulate things, “Living in a cluttered home can create subtle, constant, low-grade stress. Anxiety over clutter messes with your brain’s alpha waves and interferes with your sleep, making you more fatigued and impacting your hormone levels.” So if you’ve had a hard time falling asleep lately, clutter can be part of the reason. Throwing things away and getting organized can help improve focus, clarity, and overall well-being.

‘Tis the Season

Spring is the perfect time to do some serious house cleaning or reorganizing. Don’t try to tackle the entire house in one day. You’ll become overwhelmed. Pick one room and start with that. Move to the next room the next day or even the next weekend. Here are our top 3  tips to help you kick off your cleaning spree:

  • Make sure to clear out your cupboards, refrigerator, pantry & throw away expired foods and condiments (there is always an old bottle of salad dressing hiding in the back)
  • Dust off your shelves and blinds – this can also help control allergies!
  • Pack up your cold-weather clothes and donate unwanted items to charity.

Spring cleaning will not only clean and clear your home, but also your mind.


Article adapted from Dignity Health
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